Sunday, October 19, 2008

Store hours to change

After careful consideration, we've decided to close our doors on Sundays. We will, however, be open on Tuesday instead. New hours will begin Tuesday, October 28th.

Hours will be as follows:

Tuesday - Saturday 11-6

Thank you all for your support!

Happy planting.


Thursday, October 16, 2008


PUMPKINS for sale at Envy.

50% of proceeds will be donated in the form of plants to the new traffic circles on 25th behind Garfield High School and 26th and Spring/Spruce (not sure which one it is).

Envy is located at 2425 E. Union, AKA the corner of 25th and Union.

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New shipment of plants!!

Cactus Garden

Ric Rac Plant

We've added some new plants to the family, including a 6' tall pachiro (money tree), a large portulacaria afra, a ric rac plant, and a felt plant - just to name a few.

Stop by to check them out.

Pachiro (Money Tree)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

10% OFF everything in the store

That's right! Let me know that you've seen this blog entry, and from now until October 12th, everything in the store is 10% off.

We hope to see you soon!!