Sunday, August 31, 2008

Plants and Cats

Don't think that just because you have a cat, you can't also have plants. Here is a list of plants that are cat-friendly:
  • African violet (Saintpaulia)
  • Aluminum plant
  • Any of the true ferns (Boston fern, maidenhair, etc.)
  • Cacti (but make sure they are real cacti, not just a succulent)
  • Catnip
  • Coleus
  • Common geranium (Pelargonium)
  • Gloxinia (Sinningia)
  • Goldfish plant (Hypoestes)
  • Grape ivy (Cissus)
  • Hanging African Violet (Episcia)
  • Lipstick vine (Aeschynanthus)
  • Miniature roses
  • Pepperomia
  • Prayer plant (Maranta)
  • Shrimp plant (Beleperone guttata)
  • Spider plant (Chlorophytum)
  • Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus)
  • Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea)
  • Variegated philodendron leaf peperomia
  • Wandering jew (Zebrina)
  • Wax begonias (Begonia semperflorens)
We have several of these in the store, and can order any of the others for you.

lipstick vine

Friday, August 29, 2008

Are there toxins in the air you breathe?

Did you know plants can remove toxins and improve the air quality in your home?

Top ten plants for removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.

  1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) – Semi-sun,
  2. Lady Palm (Rhapis excelsa) – Semi-sun,
  3. Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii) – Semi-sun,
  4. Rubber Plant (Ficus robusta) – Semi-sun to Semi-Shade
  5. Dracaena “Janet Craig” (Dracaena deremensis “Janet Craig”) – Semi-shade
  6. Philodendron (Philodendron sp.) - semi-shade
  7. Dwarf Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii) – Semi-sun
  8. Ficus Alii (Ficus macleilandii “Alii”) – Full Sun & semi-sun
  9. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata “Bostoniensis) – Semi-sun
  10. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa") - semi-shade
link -

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Beautiful and ready to go

So I've decided to transplant a handful of plants from their plastic containers into beautiful pots. I've added rocks ground cover as well. Basically, all you have to do is find one you love. It's ready to take home and put in place. Or find the plant you love, along with the pot, and I'll do the transplant here in the store for you. These will warm up any home. They also make a long lasting, and impressionable gift.

Fouquieria Macdougali (AKA Ocotillo)
The Ocotillo Cactus grows wild throughout Mexico and the southwestern United States. It is also called Coachwhip, Vine Cactus, and Octopus Cactus, because of the tentacle-like branches that sprout up from its crown root—sometimes as high as 30 feet. It is drought deciduous and usually withholds its foliage until immediately following a rainfall. With or without leaves, its bright crimson blossoms annually appear during the spring and summer, grouped into cone-shaped clusters that form on the tip of each branch. It has sharp, thorny branches that form an impenetrable barrier when planted in groups, and has become popular in the Desert Southwest as hedge growth.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Trees and outdoor plants

Fall is quickly approaching! I know, it seems like summer just got here! But, fall means outdoor planting. I'm setting up agreements with some nurseries that carry outdoor plants and trees. I'll try to carry some of the outdoor plants here in the store, but space is limited. Suggestions would be appreciated. Also, I'm going to try to come up with a date for tree deliveries. If I can get a list of what people want, I can have them all delivered at the same time. Perhaps a weekend in the middle of October. Let me know what you're looking for, I can get pricing, and we'll go from there!

Email me at -

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Photos of the store

New plant store - OPEN!

So after 2 months of sweat and back-breaking work, and thanks to many of my friends, I've finally opened my plant store. I've been filling my house with plants since I've moved to Seattle in 05. With the house being over run with all of my own plants, and how well they are all doing, I've decided that I have a knack for keeping them alive. Now I want to share them with all of you! (Not mine, of course... though I know a few people who would like to see some of them disappear)

The store is located in the Central Area of Seattle. It's a bright, quirky space in a new building on the corner of 25th and Union. I'm going to be here Wednesdays thru Sundays from 11-7. I get kinda lonely sometimes, so if you're looking for something to do, come visit me please.

As far as inventory goes, think tropical. Exotic. Different sizes of plants give you the option to choose what is going to work for you. I also carry pots, rocks, and small furniture pieces that work great as plant stands. A 10% discount goes with all plants/pot combination purchases. And don't worry about having to transplant. I'll take care of that for you right here in the store.

There will be select outdoor plants available as well. If you're thinking of doing a project and you know which plants you will be using, let me know and I can most likely order them.

That's it for now. II'll try to keep this going with some helpful info, as well as new arrivals.

Special thanks to: David, Paul, Tom, Kara, Laura, Todd, Michael and JoAnna